Represented Areas

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During this time of uncertainty, we want you to know that we are here for you.

While we have some members who have been laid off, others continue to work in essential industries causing concern for personal safety, as well as for their family and friends. Our Union Representatives have been meeting with employers to discuss actions to protect our members’ pay and benefits, as well as advocating for their safety in order to minimize exposure to the Coronavirus.

The RWDSU has also been pulling together a list of resources that could be helpful to those navigating government benefits and looking for additional resources.

Please visit where you can find information on COVID-19, resources, and aid you may be eligible for, as well as connections to government benefits and job openings in your state.

We are here to help. Even if you aren’t a member yet, please reach out to us if you need additional guidance for what is happening at your workplace and what benefits might be available to you.

May you, your family and loved ones be safe.



Find out more about who we are and what we do, read member’s stories and how to contact us.

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Take Action

It takes one brave voice to make a change everyone needs. Be that voice and contact us today.